Frequently asked questions

Weather In PARIS In june?

paris in june is magnifique!

temperatures average high of 74 degrees & low of 58 degrees in june. please note our wedding ceremony will be outdoors, weather permitting.

documents Needed To Travel To france?

you will need a passport. for the smoothest travel, we recommend that your passport not expire within 6 months of travel.

in addition to a passport, travelers from the US will also need a european travel information and authorization system (ETIAS). This is 7 euro and is valid for 3 years.

See here for more info:

Can I Bring A Plus One?

we are absolutely giddy that you are deciding to travel to our wedding! we love you & everyone you love... but unfortunately we can’t accommodate them all as this is a very intimate style wedding & space.

only guests that receive an invitation specifically naming their plus one are encouraged to bring a date to the wedding events.

are children allowed?

although we adore your little ones, we regretfully cannot accommodate children at our wedding due to restricted numbers & space. this pertains to all children of all ages.

thank you for understanding!


paris is a very easy city to navigate! we recommend taking a cab, uber, or our favourite, the paris metro


cocktail cherie: TBD soon…

dîner d’amour: cocktail/formal

wedding ceremony: black tie